Kentucky Environmental Organizations
Ending mountaintop removal and destructive coal technologies, and supporting a sustainable, just economy in Appalachia
Appalachian Citizens' Law Center
Fighting for Justice in the Coalfields
Improving and protecting Banklick Creek and its many tributaries
People who like birds, enjoy watching them, and want to keep in touch with others who also enjoy the sport. Louisville area.
Empowering the Bluegrass to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment
Working to protect the Inner Bluegrass Region of Kentucky through land conservation for future generations
Preserving the natural lands of Northern Kentucky
Preserving our lands for future generations
A chapter of the National Audubon Society, based in Lexington
A chapter of the National Audubon Society, based in Owensboro
Fort Thomas Forest Conservancy
Protecting and conserving the natural areas that contribute to the vitality and unique character of Fort Thomas
Connecting people with nature through birding education and the conservation of wildlife habitat
Dedicated to improving the aquatic habitat and water quality of our neighborhood watershed
Striving to preserve natural and historical lands in Kenton County
Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
A grassroots organization of thousands of members across Kentucky
Kentucky Association for Environmental Education
Promoting excellence in environmental education
Acting as a facilitator among the separate Audubon chapters in the state
Kentucky Conservation Committee
Because the Earth needs a Friend in Frankfort
Kentucky Environmental Foundation
Dedicated to sustainability, safeguarding human health, promoting environmental justice, and preserving ecological systems
Dedicated to the health and well-being of Kentucky's native forests
Kentucky Herpetological Society
A non-profit reptile and amphibian hobbyist group
Kentucky Land Trusts Coalition
Working together to strengthen Kentucky's land conservation movement
Promoting education about, appreciation for, and conservation of our native flora
Saving Wildlands
Kentucky Ornithological Society
Creating and increasing interest in birds in Kentucky
Kentucky's only environmental advocacy organization offering legal and strategic assistance without charge
Kentucky Society of Natural History
Promoting the study of nature and the natural sciences
Protecting and Restoring Kentucky's Waterways
Conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, focusing on birds
Louisville Climate Action Network
Organizations and individuals committed to fighting global climate change
Nature Conservancy - Kentucky Chapter
Protecting the Bluegrass State
The River Connects Us All
Discover and enjoy Kentucky's long trail
Serving over 5,000 members across Kentucky
Promotes projects and programs to educate the citizenry and move people to action
Envisioning a new food system where plants, animals and people thrive within the natural world through a sustainable system of mutual aid
Permanently protects land in the Lower Kentucky River watershed through conservation easements and connecting people with nature
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