Maine Environmental Organizations
Dedicated to protecting, through land conservation and stewardship, the important natural areas, traditional landscapes, and outdoor experience in the Androscoggin River watershed.
Conserving Bangor's Natural Heritage.
Protect and improve the watershed of Great Pond and Long Pond.
Making Maine Better for Biking
Conserving land and water of special ecological, natural, agricultural, scenic, cultural and recreational significance in Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Penobscot, Sedgwick and Surry.
Working to conserve the natural beauty and character of the Boothbay region including the towns of Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb, and Southport.
Working to protect properties with true ecological, agricultural and aesthetic importance.
Permanently conserves and provides stewardship for lands cherished by our community.
Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust
Preserve and protect the intrinsic values and public benefits of the natural resources in the Towns of Chebeague and Cumberland.
We permanently conserve land to benefit the natural and human communities of western Penobscot Bay.
Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust
Conserving critical land and water resources, including outstanding wildlife habitat, public access, and cultural treasures like oyster shell middens.
A nonprofit membership organization including all of Maine Audubon's members within Hancock County.
Conservation of the natural habitats and resources of the coastal watersheds, islands and communities of Washington County, Maine.
Forests and Lakes - For People - Forever
Working together in a variety of ways to develop the Eastern Trail between Portsmouth, New Hampshire and South Portland, Maine.
Protection and enhancement of the water quality of East Pond
Conserve. Explore. Enjoy.
Your land trust for Maine's North Woods
Preserving, connecting and sharing the natural beauty of Freeport
Conservings distinctive ecosystems, lands, and waters for the benefit of all, from the Union River and Frenchman Bay watersheds east to the Hancock County line
Preserves, protects, and promotes stewardship of the outstanding natural beauty, ecological vitality, and distinctive cultural resources of Acadia National Park and surrounding communities
Preserve, support, and enhance the wilderness character of Baxter State Park
Conserving the natural ecology, sustainable marine fisheries, and unique aesthetic quality of Blue Hill Bay
The leading environmental organization working to improve and protect the environmental health of Casco Bay
To preserve, protect, and improve the unique ecosystems of Merrymeeting Bay
Dedicated to the preservation of Messalonskee Lake
Friends of the Presumpscot River
To protect and improve the water quality, indigenous fisheries, recreational opportunities and natural character of the Presumpscot River
We conserve, protect, restore, and enhance the Scarborough Marsh
Protecting Sears Island's environmental and cultural resources
Advocates for the natural character and health of Sebago Lake
Washington County
Discover the River. Care for the Land.
Protecting the ecosystems of the Kezar Lake and adjacent watersheds
Great Pond Mountain Conservation Trust
Conserving land, water and wildlife habitat for the communities of northwestern Hancock County, Maine
Great Works Regional Land Trust
Conserving the value of our natural, historic, agricultural, forestry, scenic and recreational resources
Preserving the natural and cultural resources of Harpswell
The conservation land trust of Deer Isle and Stonington, Maine, and surrounding islands
Protecting more than 940 acres of land and twelve miles of shoreline on Islesboro
Conserving land and wildlife habitat of the Lower Kennebec and Sheepscot River estuaries
Works cooperatively with landowners and communities to conserve the forests, shorelands, fields, and wildlife that define central Maine
Permanently conserve and steward land to benefit natural and human communities
Conserve and steward important natural areas that improve the quality of life in Kittery now and into the future
Lakes Environmental Association
Preserve and restore the high water quality and the traditional character of Maine's lakes, watersheds and related natural resources
Conserves over 4,000 acres of land in the northern Sebago Lake region of Maine
A conservation land trust, founded in 1989, serving the communities surrounding the Mahoosuc Mountains in Central Oxford County, Maine, and Eastern Coos County, New Hampshire
Managing and maintaining 267 miles of the Appalachian Trail in Maine.
Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust
Committed to protecting the traditional ecological and recreational values of wilderness, wildlife and undisturbed scenic beauty that is most often associated with the Appalachian Trail in Maine.
We work to conserve Maine’s wildlife.
Protecting the Character of Maine for Future Generations
Inform. Vote. Protect.
Maine Environmental Education Association
Supporting Maine's environmental education professionals and organizations.
Seeks to affect ethical and sustainable political policies through an open and transparent democratic process.
Maine Interfaith Power and Light
Partners with faith groups of all religions to counter climate change and work for a sustainable future.
Maine Island Trail Association
America's first water trail created, protected, and enjoyed by people who love the coast of Maine.
Builds and sustains the quality and effectiveness of land trusts, as well as other organizations engaged in land conservation.
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Food, Farms, Friends
To protect, restore and enhance Maine's river systems
Supports wolf recovery in Maine through research, education and protection.
McGrath Pond/Salmon Lake Association
Preserving the beauty and protecting the natural environment of our ponds
Fostering an appreciation of our natural environment, with a focus on birds
Promoting long-term, responsible use of natural resources through informed membership, education and community awareness
TOGETHER we are a force for nature
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine's environment, now and for future generations
Working to Protect the Pine Tree State
Protect. Preserve. Educate.
Oceanside Conservation Trust of Casco Bay
Conserving wild or undeveloped open space, scenic areas, and historic landmarks in the Casco Bay region
Protect, manage, and preserve portions of the natural environment in Orono and surrounding communities
Supports the Audubon mission of conservation and education in the greater Bangor region
Preserves, protects and stewards special wild and natural places in Phippsburg
Protecting the wild character, natural resources and scenic beauty of the Pierce Pond watershed
A Nonprofit Urban Land Trust
Presumpscot Regional Land Trust
Conserving and protecting natural lands and historic landscapes for posterity in the Presumpscot River watershed and western shore area of Sebago Lake
Dedicated to preserving natural areas, scenic beauty, critical wildlife habitat and cultural heritage
Royal River Conservation Trust
Working to preserve a watershed
Acquiring permanent public access to recreational hiking trails in the Saco Bay area
Saco, Biddeford, Old Orchard Beach and the lower Saco River Valley
Conserving land for people, for wildlife - forever
Sebasticook Regional Land Trust
Recognizing and conserving the rich wild and working landscape of Central Maine's Sebasticook River watershed
Conserving the lands and waters of the Belgrade Lakes Region for all
Discover and expose environmental health threats
To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the Earth
Linking neighborhoods. Making life better.
Building stronger, healthier communities through land conservation
Conserving the nature of Vinalhaven
Educating and engaging the people of Western Maine, focusing on birds and other wildlife
Fostering understanding, appreciation, and conservation of the natural world through the education of present and future generations
Conserving York's Natural Resources and Cultural Heritage for the Benefit of All
Thank you for visiting I hope you find it useful. - Mike Habeck