Minnesota Environmental Organizations
Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis
Representing the National Audubon Society in Greater Minneapolis and Hennepin County
Powerful Partnerships, Effective Solutions
Practical policy. Brighter future.
We Translate Science into Policy and Action to Preserve Our Freshwater Resources
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Protecting, preserving, and restoring the wilderness character of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and the Quetico-Superior Ecosystem
Friends of the Minnesota Valley
Working to protect and enhance the natural resources of the Minnesota River Watershed
Friends of the Mississippi River
Working to protect the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities area
Improving the region’s natural resources
Advocates for upstream sediment reduction, champions local sediment management projects, and investigates emerging threats to water quality, habitat, and accessibility in Lake Pepin.
Fostering an ethic of stewardship for farmland, promoting sustainable agriculture and developing sustainable communities
Minnesota Association for Environmental Education
Creating an environmentally literate citizenry.
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
Protecting our water, air, land and people
Protecting natural and scenic land right here in Minnesota
A Society for the Study of Mushrooms and Other Fungi
Minnesota Native Plant Society
Dedicated to the conservation and appreciation of Minnesota’s native plants and plant communities
Minnesota Naturalists' Association
Advancing natural and cultural resource interpretation for the purpose of fostering wise stewardship of all resources.
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union
Promotes interest in field studies and observation of birds by individual members and affiliated Bird Clubs
The nonprofit partner of Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
America's Eagle Destination
Protecting Our Lands and Waters
Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
A region-based wilderness advocacy group
Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota
Acquiring, protecting, and enhancing critical land for the public's use and benefit
Building a community that values and protects birds and the natural environment
Leading the effort to ensure permanent protection for the Boundary Waters Wilderness from proposed sulfide-ore copper mining.
Sierra Club - Northstar Chapter
The leading grassroots voice to preserve and protect Minnesota's environment
Transforming Lives and Landscapes
The official nonprofit partner of Minnesota’s Voyageurs National Park.
Committed to making the outdoors accessible to all.
Women's Environmental Institute
A place to renew, learn, and organize for environmental, food and farm justice.
A chapter of the National Audubon Society serving Olmsted and surrounding counties in Southeastern Minnesota
Thank you for visiting eco-usa.net. I hope you find it useful. - Mike Habeck